Unit 6. Is the Earth in Danger? » Стр.47 (3)

Circle the correct variant. 1) The sportsmen are in trouble after the avalanche in the mountains. a) avalanche 2) Because of the flood the whole village was under water. a) flood 3) In cities high buildings are in danger because of the lightning during thunderstorms. c) lightning 4) It was difficult to put out the forest fire. We called firefighters. d) forest fire 5) The landslide happens when soil and rocks fall down. d) landslide 6) A tsunami is caused by either an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption. b) tsunami 7) Such countries as Japan, Australia and the USA often suffer from tornadoes. a) tornadoes 8) A phailstorm is a phenomenon when people can often see ice balls falling from the sky. d) phailstorm

Unit 6. Is the Earth in Danger?